Separation & Divorce
Divorce is the process by which you apply to legally end your marriage. An application for divorce does not cover aspects such as property settlement, parenting matters and spousal maintenance. These are separate matters that can be dealt with as soon as you separate.
Deciding to separate or get divorce is no small decision. It can have major impacts on you emotionally and financially both now, and in the future. If you are separated, considering separation or wanting to apply for a divorce then we can help you. We provide fixed fees and getting help with a simple divorce application can be relatively inexpensive.
Book a free consultation to discuss how we may be able to help you.
Deciding to separate or get divorce is no small decision. It can have major impacts on you emotionally and financially both now and in the future. If you are separated, considering separation or wanting to apply for a divorce then we can help you. We provide fixed fees and getting help with a simple divorce application can be relatively inexpensive.
Book a free consultation to discuss how we may be able to help you.
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Property Matters
We can all agree that no two relationships are the same.
When it comes to splitting your assets and property things are just as unique. Everyone's situation is different. Which is why there isn't a clear, definite answer on who gets what in a property settlement.
It isn't just a case of splitting things 50/50. Assets & property must be valued and pooled together, contributions assessed and future needs considered, all before a fair division can be made.
The property settlement process and the laws surrounding this process can be complex. It is important that if you are doing a property settlement that you get legal advice. This is to ensure you understand your rights and responsibilities so you don't sell yourself short.
If you wish to know more about what's involved in a property settlement then click "free consultation". One of our qualified family lawyers will be able to answer any questions you may have for free over the phone.
We can all agree that no two relationships are the same. Everyone's situation is different. Which is why there isn't a clear, definite answer on who gets what in a property settlement.
The property settlement process and the laws surrounding this process can be complex. It is important that if you are doing a property settlement that you get legal advice. This is to ensure you understand your rights and responsibilities so you don't sell yourself short.
If you wish to know more about what's involved in a property settlement then click "free consultation". One of our qualified family lawyers will be able to answer any questions you may have for free over the phone.
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Parenting Matters
For most parents their children are their number one priority. So, it's no surprise that when you and your spouse separate a key concern is 'what will happen to my children?'.
If you are dealing with a parenting matter where you may be considering a parenting plan, consent orders, applying to the court or any other legal parenting arrangement it's best to get some legal advice. Even if it is just to better understand the legal requirements involved in parenting matters.
Don't waste time scrolling through google for answers. Don't loose sleep trying to understand the Family Law Act and every minor detail that's involved in the process. Instead, book a free phone consultation with one of our qualified family lawyers. We'll be able to clear up any questions you have and help you understand your rights and responsibilities when dealing with a parenting matter.
If you are dealing with a parenting matter where you may be considering a parenting plan, consent orders, applying to the court or any other legal parenting arrangement it's best to get some legal advice. Even if it is just to better understand the legal requirements involved in parenting matters.
Don't waste time scrolling through google for answers. Don't lose sleep trying to understand the Family Law Act and every minor detail that's involved in the process. Instead, book a free phone consultation with one of our qualified family lawyers. We'll be able to clear up any questions you have and help you understand your rights and responsibilities when dealing with a parenting matter.
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Spousal Maintenance
In some circumstances you or your former spouse may be entitled to claim spousal maintenance. This is where one person pays the other person a lump sum or ongoing weekly payments as a way of maintaining their lifestyle.
The right to spousal maintenance does not apply to everyone. If you are wishing to apply for spousal maintenance or you are worried about your former spouse claiming spousal maintenance then click 'free consultation'. One of our qualified family lawyers will be able to give you some free advice on your situation.
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De Facto Relationships
In today's day and age a lot more people are deciding not to get married. But, just because you aren't married doesn't mean you aren't entitled to a property settlement or a parenting arrangement.
If you were considered to be in a de facto relationship then you may be able to have a property settlement, parenting arrangement, spousal maintenance etc. just the same as a married couple. However, as a de facto there are different rules and requirements that apply.
Making it a bit more complex than if you were married.
If you were in a de facto relationship and you wish to pursue a property settlement, parenting arrangement, spousal maintenance or any other matter than it is important you get some legal advice, even if it's just to get you started. This will help you understand your rights and responsibilities as well as strict time limits that apply to de factos.
In today's day and age a lot more people are deciding not to get married. But, just because you aren't married doesn't mean you aren't entitled to a property settlement or a parenting arrangement.
If you were considered to be in a de facto relationship then you may be able to have a property settlement, parenting arrangement, spousal maintenance etc. just the same as a married couple. However, as a de facto there are different rules and requirements that apply.
Making it a bit more complex than if you were married.
Therefore, it is important you get some legal advice, even if it's just to get you started. This will help you understand your rights and responsibilities as well as strict time limits that apply to de factos.
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Binding Financial Agreements
Both de factos and married couples have a right to have a legal agreement surrounding their finances. Whether you are doing a 'prenup', a financial agreement during the relationship or just finalising your property settlement we can make your binding financial agreement (BFA) air tight.
Ensuring your agreement can't be rendered invalid.
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Dispute Resolution
If you and your former spouse cannot reach an agreement on property, parenting or any other matters you can make an application to the Court. The Court will then make a judgement on your case for you.
Before you can make an application to the Court you will need to participate in family dispute resolution. This is where both parties attempt to negotiate with a third, impartial party present. This is done to try to settle the matter out of Court as Court proceedings can become expensive very quickly.
We aid in this process of dispute resolution by preparing you for these negotiations as well as representing you throughout the whole process. Ensuring you don't sell yourself short and allowing us to help you in achieving an outcome you deserve.