I’ve heard a few horror stories about people getting a divorce and the property settlement drag on forever and ever. So I just want to know how long does a property settlement actually take?
Property Matters
Property Matters
Property Matters
What do I do if my partner has/ is trying to dispose of one of our assets?
My former wife is trying to sell the family home and other assets to reduce the size of the property pool. How do I stop her if the assets are solely in her name?
How do I find out what my former partner owns?
My partner and I are separating. They said they had been thinking about it for a while and I’m worried that they have hidden assets to stop me from getting a fair property settlement. What should I do?
How To Apply For A Property Settlement
How you do a property settlement is very different based on whether or not you agree on how to split things.
Watch our short 5 minute video on how to apply for a property settlement when you AGREE and DON’T AGREE on how to split your assets.
Property Settlement Time Limits For De Factos
As a de facto it is important that you apply for a property settlement within the time limits.
If you do not you could potentially miss out on your entitlement to certain assets.
Find out what time limits apply to you….
Out Of Time Calculator: Are You Out Of Time To Apply For A Property Settlement?
Many people do not realise that there are time limits surrounding when you can apply for a property settlement.
Use our calculator below to determine whether or not you are out of time to apply for a property settlement.
Property Settlement Time Limits For Married Couples
Most people are not aware that there are time limits to make an application for a property settlement.
These time limits are different depending on whether you are married or a de facto couple.
Watch this short video to find out what time limits apply to married couples …
How To Determine Your Share Of The Property Pool
Four part video series on how to determine your share of the property pool after a marriage breakdown.
Watch each video and find out what you’re entitled to so you get your fair share of the assets.